Michael IV part 9
There was something else that he feared, too — something that further prevented him from visiting the empress. The brain-storms no longer attacked him,...
Michael IV part 8
16. So much then for the brothers. Let us return to the emperor. For some time he treated Zoe with marked consideration, but that...
Michael IV part 7
14. It has often been a cause of surprise to me, when I have sat with him at banquets, to observe how a man,...
Michael IV part 6
If he did no harm to a soul, yet in his dealings with the people he assumed a fierce expression which terrified one and...
Michael IV part 5
11. Not one of the emperors in my time — and I say this with experience of many in my life, for most of...
Michael IV part 4
9. Clearly it was not a noble beginning for a man promoted to supreme power, as I have shown. Nevertheless, for a short period...
The Torture of Hope part 1
Villiers de L`isle Adam (1838-1889)Count Villiers de l`Isle Adam, bom in Brittany in 1838, led a strange life. “Born without average will-power,” says Huneker,...
Lulu`s Triumph part 12
“And very capricious—”“Lacking in judgment—”And a whimsical creature. I am everything you like; lecture me,I deserve it. Come; have you nothing to say? I...
Lulu`s Triumph part 11
“Mother, let us define the world.”“People.”“And who is Mr. People? I do not know him; I am not obliged to be unhappy for the...
Lulu`s Triumph part 10
Finally, she decided not to let herself be seen. Every evening for a week she shut herself in her room, trembling with impatience, trying...