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The First Church Dedicated to Virgin Mary


The First Church Dedicated to Virgin Mary and the World’s First Advertisement Hoard

The Double Churches, also known as the Consul Church, hold a distinctive position in the Christian world as the first church constructed in honor of Virgin Mary. Originally a place for consul meetings in the 5th century AD, the church underwent transformation into a basilica during the Roman era, eventually becoming dedicated to Virgin Mary. It was during a meeting of the third consul convened here that the decision to establish “Catholicism” was made, making the edifice significant as one of the seven churches of Christianity.

The appellation “Double Churches” emerged with the addition of a second church in the 7th century AD. Ephesus, at the time, boasted advanced infrastructure, including heating, water, and sewage systems. The city’s primary sewage system passed beneath a marble-covered street, featuring columns several meters high and cast lead

The Magic of the Bosphorus


Necati Güngör’s compiled work, “Boğazın Büyüsü,” provides a literary perspective on the Bosphorus, allowing us to draw comparisons between its past and present.

The Bosphorus stands as a symbol of Istanbul, and exploring its history through the lens of literary figures adds a unique pleasure to the experience. Journalist and storyteller Necati Güngör, in his book “Boğazın Büyüsü,” gathers writings from literary figures, with a focus on the renowned traveler Evliya Çelebi, offering insights into the Bosphorus. Published by İnkılap Publications, “Boğazın Büyüsü” allows us to juxtapose the Bosphorus of the past, including its people, quays, religious communities, economy, and ethnic groups, with its current state. The book also reveals the gaps in our knowledge and memory concerning the Bosphorus, prompting a sense of shame The First Church Dedicated to Virgin Ma



The Commerce, Culture, and Faith Center of the Ancient World

Ephesus stands as the most precious legacy of the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine civilizations—a city that thrived as the commerce, culture, and faith center of the ancient world. It remains the most important surviving among the twelve Ionian cities.

According to some sources, Ephesus was initially founded by Amazons, while others argue that it was established by Leleks or Carians. Some historical accounts suggest that human habitation in this region dates back to 5000 BC. Regardless of its origin, everyone agrees that the first city was built at the confluence of the Meander River (Kaistros) with the sea.

Ephesus, initially a significant center in politics and commerce, later transformed into a religious hub with the arrival of figures such as Virgin Mary, St. Jean, and St. Paul. Captured by the Romans in the 2nd century AD, the city prospered, reaching a population of around 250,000. Despite

Second Battle with Heresy part 25

But in the meantime the following incident occurred. The Emperor invited some of the Counts with Godfrey in order to advise them to suggest to Godfrey to take the oath ; and as time...

Second Battle with Heresy part 26

But he sat on unmoved, consoling and gently chiding them in a way; this demeanour filled all with amazement. However, when he saw that the Latins approached the walls quite shamelessly and would not...

Second Battle with Heresy part 4

The Emperor paid not the slightest heed to this talk. But as this guttersnipe did not cease talking this nonsense at all seasons in the streets and by-ways, it came to the ears of...

Second Battle with Heresy part 20

Thereupon Ubus at once asked for a horse, and one of the two men dismounted and very willingly gave him his horse. Thus the Duke met him after his deliverance, and welcomed him and...

Michael IV part 27

Roman forces in Sicily and it was not long before all Maniaces’ conquests49. Not strictly correct. John was speaking of his brother-in-law, Stephen, husband of his sister Maria and father of the young Caesar....

Second Battle with Heresy part 5

He had lately ascended the patriarchal throne after the resignation of Eustratius Garidas in the course of the seventh Indiction of the year 6592. The question written on two writing-tablets whether he should go...

Second Battle with Heresy part 21

But whilst trying to avoid the smoke, he fell into the fire. For he did not stumble upon the ships which were watching the straits of Lombardy at different points, but upon Nicolas Mavrocatacalon...

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