Michael IV part 2
3. This proclamation was arranged in the evening by the new emperor’s personal friends. Immediately afterwards, a twofold order was sent to the City...
Second Battle with Heresy part 3
It might, be truly observed that we have only drawn up a small drop from the Adriatic Sea by our outline sketches, rather than...
Second Battle with Heresy part 19
VII One Ubus, brother of the King of France, and as proud as Novatus of his nobility, riches and power, when on the point...
Michael IV part 3
5. So lived Romanus and such was the funeral with which he was honoured. Despite the work and expense involved in the building of...
Second Battle with Heresy part 4
The Emperor paid not the slightest heed to this talk. But as this guttersnipe did not cease talking this nonsense at all seasons in...
Second Battle with Heresy part 20
Thereupon Ubus at once asked for a horse, and one of the two men dismounted and very willingly gave him his horse. Thus the...
Michael IV part 27
Roman forces in Sicily and it was not long before all Maniaces’ conquests49. Not strictly correct. John was speaking of his brother-in-law, Stephen, husband...
Second Battle with Heresy part 5
He had lately ascended the patriarchal throne after the resignation of Eustratius Garidas in the course of the seventh Indiction of the year 6592....
Second Battle with Heresy part 21
But whilst trying to avoid the smoke, he fell into the fire. For he did not stumble upon the ships which were watching the...
Balkan tours 2018
Balkan Peninsula is among the most visited regions in the world. With Balkan Tours 2018 you will discover the modern and elite today and at...