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Balkan Tours

Balkan tours – adventurous and relaxing journeyBalkan tours – reading books and watching films about Balkan countries is a good start. Thus you get...

Bulgaria trips

Since antiquity different tribes and peoples have inhabited the territory of Bulgaria. The country`s many ancient settlements and burial mounds are a proof of...

Second Battle with Heresy part 13

Then the Emperor divided his armyand sent the light-armed troops on ahead and himself rode in rapid pursuit ofthe Comans who were in mad...

Second Battle with Heresy part 31

XI So much then about Godfrey and Raoul and the others who accompanied them. Now when Bohemund reached Apros with the other Counts, he...

Balkan Tours 2020 2021

Balkan Peninsula has always been one of the attractive and mysterious destinations around the world. With Balkan Tours 2020 – 2021 you have the chance...

Bulgaria Vacations

Khans, Tzars, Orpheus, Spartacus, Thracians, Levski, Botev … All of them start with capital `B` for Bulgaria. These are also the places that you...

Second Battle with Heresy part 14

With what intent they could not say; but to the Emperor Alexius it seemed that the former Emperor had wished to divert the water...

Second Battle with Heresy part 32

Nor was he wrong in his surmise. For that dreadful Bohemund not only refrained from tasting the viands at all, or even touching them...

Bulgarian Monasteries

Customized Tours Bulgaria Day 1Let your customized tours Bulgaria start. On that first day of tours Bulgaria we travel to the Rila Monastery. It...

Second Battle with Heresy part 15

And indeed the actual facts were far greater and more terrible than rumour made them. For the whole of the West and all the...

Istanbul Custom Tours