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History of Bulgaria part 13

Bulgarian is the only language in the Slavonic group, which forms the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives, of some nouns and verbs with the particles “po” and “nai” .Bulgarian is the only...

History of Bulgaria part 12

The situation in Central and Western Europe, where Latin stayed in the church, science and state offices but where, in all other domains, it was replaced by the evolving national languages, was comparable. Thus...

History of Bulgaria part 11

Yet, in the second half of the 11th century, one can see clearly the differences between the “old” Bulgarians and the “new” ones, who had emerged under the powerful pressure of Christianity and the...

History of Bulgaria part 10

Linguistic material collected in recent decades undermines the thesis that the ancient Bulgarians belong to the Turkic Altaic language group. The vocabulary and grammatical structure, with parallels in the East Iranian relic languages, anthroponomy...

History of Bulgaria part 9

That is confirmed in the modem world where the coexistence of different minorities in Bulgaria follows the old tradition of mutual respect. The Bulgarian ethnic model, which is widely respected, is based on this...

History of Bulgaria part 8

The social responsibility of the individual increased. Man, with his joys and sorrows, successes and failures, pressures and dreams, gradually became the bearer of the new secular culture, which was created during the last...

History of Bulgaria part 7

The Revival opened a new page in the formation of the modem Bulgarian Diaspora. The economic, political and military disturbances in the Ottoman Empire caused intensive and profuse emigrant flows from the Bulgarian lands...

History of Bulgaria part 6

Throughout the centuries, the Bulgarian people were subjected to direct and indirect extermination. The sword of various invaders often caused that and for long periods, but during the Ottoman Period that process took the...

History of Bulgaria part 5

Having appeared in the Eastern Urals region in the first centuries of the first millennium AD, the Savirs reached Eastern Caucasus in the 5th century. They took an active part in the political life...

History of Bulgaria part 4

The long debate about the number of Kan Asparuh`s Bulgarians who arrived in the 7th century has proved unproductive for lack of data. Nevertheless, based on comparisons and premises, we can admit that the...

Lulu`s Triumph part 4


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